c o n t e n t c r e a t o r

Jess Domain is a multi-disciplinary artist based in New York City. 

  • Creators tap into that eternal part of themselves that has always existed, to extract words, music, movement or visuals that have been gathered and imprinted (consciously or not). And when it’s done, the answer to this very simple question will always be found: How does it feel to uncover the hidden mysteries that you’ve been sensing for so long?

    We activate, harness and step into transformational freedom through creating. Anyone can create. It doesn’t matter what form it’s in, if it’s “good”, who sees it, or what people say about it. Our world grows in 2 ways - by default or on purpose. This site is a showcase of my purpose.

    P.S. If you need a mentor to help you with your purpose, feel free to get in touch here.

Jess Domain hand drawn arrow right
Jess Domain hand drawn arrow left